Can a Root Canal Cause a Sinus Infection?

Can a Root Canal Cause a Sinus Infection?

A Root canal is a common dental procedure to remove the infected pulp from within the tooth and prevent further infection. While this procedure can save your tooth, could it expose you to potential risks, such as sinus infections? Read on to learn more about the connection between root canals and sinus infections.

What Does a Root Canal Entail?

The purpose of a root canal is to save a tooth that is infected or damaged. When the pulp (the tissue inside the tooth) becomes inflamed or dies, it can cause severe pain. A root canal removes the pulp from the tooth to reduce pain and save the tooth.

Root canals are usually not painful. The procedure is usually done under local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. You may feel some pressure during a root canal, but you should not feel any pain.

After removing the pulp from the tooth, your dentist will use a filling material to seal the area. A crown (cap) may also be placed on the tooth to protect it from breaking. Most teeth with root canals can last a lifetime with proper care.

Is There a Connection Between Root Canal and Sinus Infection?

There is no clear connection between root canals and sinus problems. However, some people may experience sinus symptoms after a root canal procedure. This is because the procedure can cause inflammation and irritation in the surrounding tissues. This can lead to congestion and other sinus symptoms.

While your circumstances can create an environment that leads to a sinus infection after root canal treatment, chances are more likely that the situation has either been allowed to persist because of underlying causes or arose from another source. If you experience any signs or symptoms of infection following dental work, you should always notify your dentist as soon as possible.

Treatment Options For Sinus Problems Experienced After a Root Canal

If you have a sinus infection resulting from a root canal, there are a few different treatment options available to you. The first option is to let the infection run its course and clear up independently. This can take a few weeks but is usually the best option for minor infections. However, if your infection is more severe, you may need to see a doctor for antibiotics. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the infected tissue.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation

If you think you may have a sinus infection, it's important to contact your dentist right away. At PS Dental, we offer consultations to help you determine the cause of your sinus infection. We will take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination. Sometimes, we recommend imaging tests such as X-rays or CT scans.

Once we have all the necessary information, we will develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Contact us today to discover more and schedule your next appointment with Dr. Sinha.

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